Kilted Creature and The Keeper travel far and wide to entertain and have fun! During our travels we have met some wonderful folks that have joined in on our fun, but alas, they cannot be at "every" show but we share stages as much as possible for the love of all things~

EVERYone knows the Keeper!! She and KC have had a torrid romance since they met on the Isle of Mann!!
Talk about an Animal Attraction!!
As her name implies, she does try to keep a handle on all the critters in the Swamp!
She also sings on many of the original tunes coming from
the Creatures' point of view.
Always having fun on the run!!

Cap’n D. Lucas is the twin brother of Captain Lucas, who we all know had many dealings with the Creature from the Black Lagoon.
After hearing many stories about the Creature from his brother, Cap’n D. Lucas decided he would venture into the Black Lagoon to see if he could find Crazy Beuhlie,and ask her if she has seen the beastie lately. When he arrived at the lagoon he spent many days searching and finally found her and they fell deeply in love. Soon they discovered a hidden river running out of the Black Lagoon. They sailed into it and almost immediately the river turned to raging waters and then opened up into a gigantic whirlpool. Cap’n D. Lucas, Beuhlie and his boat “ATIR”, were pulled into the whirlpool, spinning them round and round until suddenly they were dragged upwards in a freak hurricane and landed smack dab into a lake where Kilted Creature and The Keeper were performing at a concert.
Quite startled at first, then very curious, Cap’n D. Lucas approached the duo and told them his adventurous tale in seeking out KC’s brother. They all made fast friends and when the Cap’n showed them he was a very good musician and all around good guy the rockin’ and rollin’ was on!

Award winning belly dancer and fire dancer extraordinaire! 9 time Florida State Goddess Belly Champion and owner of Mad Flames Fire Entertainment. Always beloved at KC's shows, especially for her impeccable performance during "Purple Rain" Darjuxena aka DJ is the daughter of an Egyptian queen and king of the sea know only as Aquaman, She was born in the last city of atlantis, when her city sank she survived because she is ½ human & ½ fish, some may say a mermaid. She swam and swam until she found a new home by the swamps. Story line as the Keeper was becoming very hungry Kilted Creature went out to fish for his Keeper. He spotted what he thought was a large fish, he jumped in the water and swam after the fish, but as he got near it he realized the fish has a human head, startled by KC she jumped out of the water onto the rocks, her fins were now legs . Hey! KC called to her but she disappeared, Fascinated with the being he never saw before, he decide to play music to entice her back, when she heard the music she came back out and started to dance. Since then they all became friends, and the Keeper adopted her!

One night, A creature by the name of Hugo had come home to his swamp hut aftering debuting another costume at a con. Hugo only goes out to cons/events when he can dress in costume, its the only time he can mingle with ppl without them fearing what he truely was, a wolfman. As he was getting ready to rest he heard a loud noise, try as he might, he couldnt ignore it so he went to investigate. He found a stage and a big crowd of ppl in seats. Puzzled he went closer and saw the band about to play. They were arguing who would take the lead, shouting "no you go" back and fourth, so quickly that it sounded more like "Hugo" One said "whos Hugo?" as they began to laugh over it, they heard a deep voice say "I'am!!". Hugo lept out snarling asking why they were so close to his home and how they knew his name. "Your names Hugo? Well were a swamp metal band and this spot was picked by the fans, had no idea we were intruding" said KC Hugo dropped his guard down. "Alright i guess, you guys are good just wanting to know whats going on" As Hugo began to leave KC stopped him. "Never seen another monster man before... you wanna join the swamp crew? Could use the extra help if youre interested" Hugo saw this as an opportunity to see more ppl, make more use of his costumes, and just get out more. "I'll do it on one condiction...." KC scratched his head "umm whats that?" Hugo laughed "You go!" After that Hugo tagged along their adventures helping where he could, how he could, even plays off as security from time to time. And the band hardly argues over who goes first anymore.

We even have ROYALTY here at the Swamp!!!
This was our 2019 Coronation at the
Corazon Cinema and Cafe!

Left to Right:
Carmen Nishimura
Lady of the Crystal Swamp
Yoshi Nishimura
Lord of the Crystal Swamp
Aurora Harrison
Princess of the Pond
Karla Wagner
Queen of the Corazon
AKA: Crystal Swamp Ghostbusters
Always ready to help the crew hunt down some ghosties!

Left to Right:
Alan Wittkamp, Adam Edens, Jeffrey Minigh, Matt Blocker, and Cameron Fisher

Steve and Linda Beck
If there is a live FB feed from KC more than likely Steve is behind the camera!
Linda makes gorgeous sugar skulls and fun goodies!!

Scott gave KC a "face lift" in the summer of 2020!!

Aurora Harrison
( left, in the middle )
Great photographer and
video gal!
is married to
Cap'n D. Lucas!
Terran McGinnis~
Marineland Historian
Marineland Dolphin
Adventures in
St. Augustine, FL